Friday 17 July 2015

Sidewalks in Lagos

Hi am Frogulus on my usual voyage, I decided to berth in Lagos. Lagos popularly known as lasgidi and tagged as the center of excellent.
               I was expecting its tagged name "center of excellent" to reflect on the least infrastructure or facilities usage. I observed that taking a walk in Lagos isn't a smooth one. The sidewalk which is a paved area for pedestrian to walk on, usually beside street or roadway. An a sidewalk is a sub-element in urban design ( urban design is the modelling and shaping of a city).
              From the above explanation of a sidewalk, it shows that sidewalk in Lagos is far from it. This is because sidewalks are used for a very different purpose such as:

-   Forcefully used as a driveway by tricycle owners

 Used for parking

 Used for parking

For dumping of refuses

For dumping of refuses

pedestrian are been forced to walk on the road or step into water because of sidewalks are used for trading. 

For trading/selling of products and display of items

termination of complete walk on these sidewalk because a force car park was created

some traders forcefully wade off pedestrian from using the sidewalks for their business purpose

   These activities on these sidewalk has actually defeated the major benefits of a sidewalk,
           which is to provide a safe path for pedestrian to walk along, not interfering with motorized traffic. to minimized interaction between pedestrian and vehicles.
          Rather these activities will have the opposite benefits to the people and the immediate environment.
- Now pedestrian are been force to share road with vehicle, with this safety is not guaranty for pedestrian.
- The environment is polluted and messed up by these activities.
- the street beautification is diminished or totally ruined.
But I wonder why should sidewalk be misused. hmmm just thinking aloud


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