Tuesday 1 September 2015

Bank buildings: Union Bank

Good morning readers, my name is Millie. Am always attracted to designs, buildings, sculpture or any work of expressive art.

In as much I do not like banks because of their unnecessary charges, well I must say some bank buildings do catch my attention.
                one of such banks building is the Union bank along Okpara Avenue, Enugu City, Enugu, Nigeria. The building is painted all white. It has a flat-roofed block and the building views/elevations has a different character indicating the design is not symmetrical.

cantilever floor levels

        The approach view of the building is cantilevered on some floor levels. it has a circular or curved concrete wall on the last floor. It has rectangular large windows on the second floor, the walls are constructed to tilt to an angle, and terminates on the third floor. The building reduces in form/size as it goes vertically. on the rear view, it has a combination of small rectangular window  and few large rectangular window on one floor. On the right view has a small veranda and rectangular windows.


small veranda and rectangular windows.

small and large rectangular windows.

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